Mobile Learning Unit Enquiry Form
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Please use the one you registered with us.
It should be the same as your Learning Portal username.
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What course is your enquiry related to?
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3D Echocardiography
Addressing Family Violence: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Age-Related Macular Degeneration for Primary Eyecare Practitioners
AoA - Peri-operative Ultrasound
Basic TEE
Basic TTE
Biochemical Basis for Human Life
Building Resilience for Coping with Trauma and Loss
Clinical Costing Fundamentals and Analyses
Clinical Facilitation: Essential Skills and Principles
Clinical Supervision for Mental Health Nurses Masterclass
Clinical Supervision Online
COVID19 Lung and Cardiac Ultrasound
Deep Vein Thrombosis Ultrasound
Dementia-Friendly Eyecare
Diabetes Academy – Managing Your Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Academy – What’s New in Diabetes?
Diabetes Academy – What’s New in Diabetes? Advanced
Down Syndrome: The Essentials
Effective Feedback: A short course for health professionals
FCU Peri-Arrest
FCU TOE Advanced
FCU TTE Advanced
FCU TTE Certification
Fixed Prosthodontics in Clinical Practice
Focused Ultrasound Simulation Education - Institutional
Foundations of Point of Care Ultrasound (MD1)
FUSE Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access
Genetics in Pregnancy
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Ultrasound
Graduate Certificate in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care
Graduate Certificate in Small Animal Ultrasound (Abdominal)
Graduate Diploma in Clinical Ultrasound
Graduate Diploma of Perioperative Medicine
How to do Online Learning
Identifying and Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect
Identifying and Responding to Domestic and Family Violence
Identifying People who have used Domestic and Family Violence
Immunisation (Nurse Immuniser)
Know Violence Against Women Data (kNOwVAWdata)
Lung and Sternal Ultrasound for Health Professionals
Lung Ultrasound Simulator Course
Management of Obesity
Managing Compassion Fatigue in Health Professionals
Master of Clinical Ultrasound
Mastering Migraine Management
Medical Perfusion
Neuroanatomy for Neuropsychologists
Neurological Rehabilitation eLearning
Obstetric Ultrasound
Osteosarcopenia: Preventing falls and fractures in older persons
Pathway to Career Progression (Surgery)
Point of Care Early Pregnancy Ultrasound
Point of Care Ultrasound (MD2)
Practical Paediatrics
Providing Trauma and Violence Informed Care in Primary Care
Recognising and Responding to DFSV Experienced by Ethnic/Racial Minority Women
Recognising and Responding to LGBTQA+ People Impacted by DFV
Six Steps to Support you to Assess and Respond to Elder Abuse
Specialist Certificate in Clinical Ultrasound (ONLINE)
Specialist Certificate in Clinical Ultrasound (PRACTICAL)
Supporting Primary Care to Implement Family Violence Information Sharing
Temporal Bone Dissection
Transition to Critical Care Nursing
Transition to Mental Health Nursing and Allied Health
Transition to Practice A (MD4)
Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Venous Access Online
Ultrasound Guided Pleural Catheter and IV Access Course
Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia
Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access
Ultrasound Imaging for Physiotherapists
Understand, Notice and Improve
Urgent Care/Emergency Nursing: Essentials
Urinary Incontinence Management in Women
VCCC Alliance: Essential Research Skills for Clinical Nurses
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Enrolment – Accreditation
Enrolment - Am I eligible?
Enrolment - Cost of Course
Enrolment - Current enrolment issues
Enrolment – General Course Enquiry
Enrolment - How do I apply?
Enrolment - I want more information
Enrolment - Issues with enrolment form
Enrolment - Other
Enrolment - Refund Request
Enrolment - Results Enquiry
Enrolment - Group Discount Enquiry
Enrolment - Exam Extension
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Portal - Portal is Down
Portal - I have a question regarding an assessment
Portal - Logbook/Case Studies
Portal - Completion Certificate
Portal - Can't see my Subject Content
Portal - Other
Portal - Results Enquiry
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Severity Level - 4